C18 Column & Bulk

BioVanix C18 HPLC column and bulk are based on high surface coverage C18 modified silica particles with exhaustive end-capping for minimal undesired silanol activity. They are most commonly used to separate analytes with low to high hydrophobicity.

Main Features

  • High column efficiency and high resolution.
  • Minimal undesired interactions between the stationary phase and analytes, result in good peak shape and recovery.
  • High mechanical strength for longer column lifetime.
  • Broad application range. For small-molecule drugs, peptides, proteins, oligos, and glycans.

C18 Prepacked HPLC Column

C18 Silica-gel Bulk

C18 Sorbent Selection

Product C18 C18L C18H C18AQ C18BS C18-300
Functional Group Octadecyl
Substrate Porous, spherical silica particles
Particle Size 3/5/10/20/30/50μm 5/10μm 5/10μm 5/10μm 5/10μm 5/10μm
Pore Size 100Å 300 Å
Surface Area 300m2/g 110m2/g
Carbon Content 16% 13% 18% 16% 16% 8%
End-capped Yes
Pressure Limit 4000psi for 10um
5000psi for 5μm
6000psi for 3μm
Temperature Limit 60℃
pH Range 2-8 1-9 2-8 2-8 1-12 2-8
Aqueous Compatibility 90% aqueous 100% aqueous 90% aqueous 90% aqueous

C18 Application

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