DNA Analysis Column

DNA analysis columns are based on the most advanced column technology and designed for highly efficient separation and precise characterization of oligonucleotides including DNA/RNA, mRNA and plasmid, by liquid chromatography and LC-MS.

  • DNA RP columns are based on macroporous PS/DB microspheres with high crosslinking degrees, and they are suitable for the separation of large DNA and RNA molecules.
  • DNA 200-C18, based on monodispersed C18 bonded silica gel, is used for the separation of smaller oligonucleotides.
  • DNA 1000-C18 is based on monodispersed C18 bonded silica gel for the separation of large oligonucleotides, DNAs and RNAs.


DNA RP Column

DNA 120-C18 Column

DNA 1000-C18 Column

Column Selection

Product DNA RP DNA 120-C18 DNA 1000-C18
Functional Group Quaternary Ammonium Octadecyl Octadecyl
Substrate PS-DVB Spherical Silica Spherical Silica
Particle Size 5um 3 / 5um 3 / 5um
Pore Size 200A 1000A
Pressure Limit 5000 psi 5000psi for 5μm
6000psi for 3μm
5000psi for 5μm
6000psi for 3μm
Temperature Limit 80℃ 50℃ 50℃
pH Range 2-12 2-11 2-11

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