Stationary Phase Technologies

Silica-gel For Liquid Chromatography

As the heart of chromatographic separation, Biovanix stationary phases include silica-based, agarose-based, and PSDVB/PMMA polymer-based media, offering a full range from analytical to preparative scales. With advanced surface modification technology and precise particle size control, our media excel in biopharmaceutical purification, natural product isolation, and chiral separation. Explore our “Media Selection Guide” to quickly find the optimal solution for your application.

Reversed-phase Chromatography

Normal-phase Chromatography

Technology Service For Silica-gel

Customized for Excellence, Tailored to Your Needs.

We understand that every experiment is unique, which is why we offer customized silica chromatography media services to ensure optimal performance in your chromatographic analysis. From the selection of stationary phases to the optimization of particle sizes, our expert team will work closely with you to create chromatography media perfectly tailored to your specific needs. Choose us and embark on a new chapter of precise separation.

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